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Fold your letter in half. Place the crease at the bottom and the salutation facing the back of the envelope. You may want to place a flower petal or pressed rose in the letter, or perhaps a picture or other small trinket. Consider a splash of the fragrance you wear. Anything that will let your special person know that you went the extra mile to tell them how much they mean to you. Remember that you can never be too sappy when it comes to a Love Letter. Hand address your letter and seal it with more than a kiss. Consider a wax seal with your monogram or even personalized stickers. Make a special trip to the post office for something other than the basic stamp; something with hearts or a cute animal. Place the stamp on upside down. This traditionally means “I love you”. Drop it in the mailbox and you are done!

Taking the extra effort to pen a Love Letter on stationery using a timeless ink, neat handwriting, words and expressions of your feelings and love or perhaps her favorite poem, sending it with a special stamp, wax seal, and spraying the pages with a dab of your favorite cologne will not go unnoticed. She will pull the letter from the mailbox in excitement and anticipation; she could notice the stamp and know that this letter is special. Reading the words you have written on the lovely stationery, she, will likely, smile, laugh, and tear up at how much you love her. She may hold the letter close to her and take in the handsome scent of your cologne, day dreaming of holding you close. Mission accomplished. Your Love Letter will show your darling just how special she is to you, and that is why you are writing the letter in the first place.

Read:  Appearance and Preparation  |  Writing  |  Sending


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