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4. Do Be A Trendsetter

Just by reaching out to a friend in an "old-fashioned letter," you’re making a stylish statement. Why not start an entire string of hand-written communication? We bet you’ll love the feeling of finding a beautiful, meaningful hand-written note in your mailbox among all those bills and junk mail! The most obvious way to encourage ongoing correspondence is to explicitly ask the reader to write you back. You should also consider including your return address on your letter itself so the recipient can write a return note if they wish, even long after the envelope has been tossed in the trash.

5. Do Make A Memorable Exit

Don’t sign your letter and seal the envelope unless you’ve said adieu in an unforgettable way. Some trusty standbys are: "Love," "Best wishes," "Sincerely," "Very Sincerely," "Cordially," and "Gratefully" But, you are free to get as creative as you want. Here are a few examples of inspired ways to sign-off: "all the best," "ciao," "see you soon," "love always," "fondly," and "cheers!"

Extra Advice for Social Correspondence

Here are a few extra tips to help you communicate effectively:

Everyday Is A Reason To Write

Most people receive letters on birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and other happy occasions. But, what about all those other everyday events and accomplishments that are worth sharing and celebrating? When we hear "Holidays Cards," why not think of New Years, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Valentine’s Day, and the Fourth of July as well as Christmas and Hanukkah? Any time you think of a loved one or friend is reason enough to write and let them know they are loved.

Save the Date

Hand-written letters often become saved mementos of friendships, experiences, or happy memories. Imagine that your recipient may want to save this "piece of you" and pull it out someday for comfort, happiness, or just for sentimentality. By dating your letter in the upper right corner, you can put a timestamp on this timeless memento.

Have Fun!

The main reasons many people shy away from letter writing is because it takes some time, it takes some effort, and it seems somewhat "serious." We encourage you to break away from these bonds and just have fun with your letter writing. A great first step is to find some fun, unique, carefree stationery.

Read:  Intro  |  Social Letters – 1  |  Social Letters – 2  |  Business Letters – 1  |  Business Letters – 2

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